Saturday, January 11, 2014

2014 Mustang Customizer: #2

   Ok the last time I made a Mustang customizer post was back in October so I thought we were due for one.  The first post I did I had 125 cars built and 60,000 points, now I have 270 cars built and 113,770 points.  The cars that I'm showing are my most popular...What is the Mustang Customizer?, you ask.  It's a battling contest that Ford created so people like you and me can build our dream mustangs and battle them for a chance to win the car that you customize, and its not some "fill in the blank" entry contest;  if  you want to win your going to have to work at it.  So here's what you do...go to and click on Cars>Mustang>Then choose the customizer.  The more cars you build equals more points and more points equal more entries. 




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